About me

My name is Evelyn

I was born in the early 90's and since childhood my biggest hobby was writing. I love traveling, exploring the world and analyzing everything around me, probably that is why I spent 9 years studying economics.

Where did the name of the blog come from? It all started in 2014, when I went to Turkey on an Erasmus program. During countless discussions with locals, I learned more in terms of culture and religion than if I had read the entire Internet. I cried my eyes out listening to stories about the war in Syria when the media said "it's over." Fortunately, none of my friends were affected.

For several years I searched for my place on earth, ‘my end of the world’. When I lived in Turkey, I started a Facebook group, and a year later a travel blog, In Search of the End of the World (in Polish).

When I returned to Poland, I knew I wanted to move on, and after the longest vacation of my life, I started studying in the Peloponnese Peninsula. I didn't learn economics in Greece, but I saw firsthand what the crisis there was like and the Greek approach to money.

What was next

Practically straight from Athens I flew to New York to sell ice cream and funnel-cakes in an American small town. Back then, my boyfriend and I lived in a wooden motel for a few months, so today I rather avoid such places. America taught me thriftiness, because with earning $8 an hour we still managed to put money aside and travel for another month.

I was still looking for ‘my end of the world’, and since we had our last year of college left, we took the opportunity to move to Prague in the Czech Republic, which I loved with all my heart.

However, the same heart, along with reason, led me to Hungary, where I became an accountant by vocation. Unfortunately, in Hungary, fate did not favor me there and I experienced all kinds of problems, which I laugh about today.

A few years ago I returned to Poland, settled in the countryside and worked remotely as an accountant in one of the many looking alike corporations. I currently live in Warsaw – It's my travel base.

I'm the author of the book “Tales from the End of the World” about the search for my place on earth: from studying in Turkey, Greece and the Czech Republic, working in the United States, or living in Hungary to returning to Poland. More on the book's website.

My mission

I firmly believe that in life one should not only dream, but also follow the voice of their heart. And it was that voice a few years ago that led me to all the places I've been. As a result, I was able to learn that ‘my end of the world’ is in several places.

Besides, economics is not only an education, but also a passion. On the blog I cover financial issues: cost of living abroad, weekend trips, planning longer vacations. I share knowledge that can save someone from a bad decision.

I would like to think that my posts make you smile, while also inspiring you to search your end of the world.